The Rockburst Hazard Assessment (RBHA) Tool quantifies and compares the demand and capacity of ground support in relation to excavation damage induced by dynamic deformation.
The tool integrates various information: excavation geometries, rockmass properties, stress field, seismic data, ground support characteristics and underground observations. The final output of the RBHA Tool is the probability of rockburst (strainbursting or shakedown) damage (of prescribed severity, from light to severe) for a specific tunnel location and time (past and future). The calculations are done in accordance with the principles of Deformation-Based Support Design (DBSD) to assess the (in-)effectiveness of the installed support systems.
The features of the tool are demonstrated in the online user guides, which cover creating a project, establishing inputs, performing calculations, analysing results, etc. Theory documentation is also available, which gives an overview of all the parameters that can be calculated and describes how they are related to each other.
The original development of the RBHA Tool was conceived and sponsored by Newcreast Mining Limited. GeoK (P. K. Kaiser), Newcrest and DCGeotech (D. Cuello) were involved in the prototyping and testing. The RBHA Tool is built on the top of IMS Vantage.

Click here to download the RBHA Tool.